[Announcer] In the previous episode, our intrepid detective was last
seen staring at his computer screen, intently pondering the puzzle
before him. His decades long search for information about the fabled Spirit
radio program had produced little other than a single crumbling letter
found among the late Will Eisner's correspondence. The futility of his
quest left him no choice. Setting pride aside, the humbled gumshoe made a
plaintive cry for help into the vastness of the Internet. A cry that
was heard and answered in this exciting conclusion of...The Mystery of
the Radio Spirit!
I have always been thankful for the help I've received from other comic fans. Kindred souls who share the same interests and passions as I. But for once, the help didn't come from them, it came in the form of a Schadow. Specifically, Karl Schadow.
Karl, a brilliant radio historian and writer, happened to read of my request for information regarding the legendary Spirit radio show on an old-time radio chat list. Not long after, he emailed me.
"There definitely was a program on WFIL in Philadelphia from 1940- ca. 1942," he wrote as he briefly recounted a few details he had retrieved from various trade magazines. "I'll be more than happy to send you copies of the reviews and anything else I find on this program, " Karl promised. And true to his word, he did.
"THE PHILADELPHIA RECORD, in a swap deal with WFIL, Philadelphia, inaugurated on Oct. 26 a weekly 15-minute dramatization based on the three crime-fighting comics carried in a Sunday special comic section. Each Saturday, the program will alternate between "The Spirit", " "Lady Luck", and "Mr. Mystic," comprising the Sunday comic special. Although every newspaper in the city has special swap deals with every station, the Record is the first to tie in a regular newspaper feature with a with a regular air show, all others using the time for institutional and spot campaigns."[BROADCASTING, Nov. 1, 1940]
I have always been thankful for the help I've received from other comic fans. Kindred souls who share the same interests and passions as I. But for once, the help didn't come from them, it came in the form of a Schadow. Specifically, Karl Schadow.
Karl, a brilliant radio historian and writer, happened to read of my request for information regarding the legendary Spirit radio show on an old-time radio chat list. Not long after, he emailed me.
"There definitely was a program on WFIL in Philadelphia from 1940- ca. 1942," he wrote as he briefly recounted a few details he had retrieved from various trade magazines. "I'll be more than happy to send you copies of the reviews and anything else I find on this program, " Karl promised. And true to his word, he did.
"THE PHILADELPHIA RECORD, in a swap deal with WFIL, Philadelphia, inaugurated on Oct. 26 a weekly 15-minute dramatization based on the three crime-fighting comics carried in a Sunday special comic section. Each Saturday, the program will alternate between "The Spirit", " "Lady Luck", and "Mr. Mystic," comprising the Sunday comic special. Although every newspaper in the city has special swap deals with every station, the Record is the first to tie in a regular newspaper feature with a with a regular air show, all others using the time for institutional and spot campaigns."[BROADCASTING, Nov. 1, 1940]
Amazing. My years of searching for clues about this program had returned naught. Yet Karl had found this revealing mention that answered most the questions I had about the show.
It premiered much sooner than I had speculated; actually not long after the strip debuted in June, 1940. To be sure, the PHILADELPHIA RECORD was one of the earliest proponents of Eisner's creation, as demonstrated by this ad.

Karl's research didn't end with that one clipping. Included as well was a full-blown review of The Spirit from THE BILLBOARD, by legendary music critic, Maurie Orodenker. Orodenker (who would soon coin the term, "rock and roll" ) was effusive in his praise of the show.
Considering the The Spirit, crime adventure comic in the paper's
Sunday editions, is fast chasing Dick Tracy into a rumble-seat position
in popular favor, this stanza has practically a ready-made audience for
itself. And the the dramatic efforts of the actors are worthy of the
Each dramatization is complete, based on the following morning's
story. When caught, a frantic telephone call tells of a corpse in a
college dormitory. The Spirit (Sam Serata) with his down-South Ebony
(Salvatore Benigno) comes thru with his usual flair, battles the
criminals and winds up with lipstick all over his face.
Interest is sustained thruout. Mill Spooner at the organ tying
together the scenic changes. Enid Hager, of the Record staff, scripts
and produces. Gal was formerly with the station's production department,
and does an excellent job.
Commercial palaver limited to bally on the paper's Sunday comic section.
While Orondenker's estimation of The Spirit's popularity may be a bit off (it never truly challenged Dick Tracy), his evaluation of the program is enlightening. Now we know the actors who played the lead--Sam Serata--and Ebony--Salvatore Benigno. The characterization of Ebony as "down-South" is a reflection of Eisner's own portrayal; at once unfortunate, but consistent with contemporary media (e.g., Amos 'n' Andy). Since the lead to the review lists just The Spirit, it appears that somewhere along the way, both Lady Luck and Mr. Mystic lost their turns in the Saturday at 7:00 PM line-up.
Not stopping with just this one review, Karl found yet another, from the February 4, 1942 issue of VARIETY.
The Philly Record has evolved a novel method for plugging one of its prize Sunday comics by dramatizing part of the sequence the night before over the air and leaving the Spirit, hero of the strip, in dire danger at the end of the dramatization. If the listener wants to know how Mr. Spirit gets out of this jam he has to buy the Sunday Record. Simple.
The use of a cliffhanger not only took a popular device from the movie serials of the day, but provided a clever newspaper selling technique, which after all, was the purpose of the program in the first place. The date of the VARIETY piece reveals that the show ran well over a year; not as short-lived as its obscurity would indicate.
But the search goes on. Karl is continuing to follow-up on several leads, and I can assure you, my quest will not stop.
Do any recordings of The Spirit program exist? And what happened to the scripts Hager sent to Eisner as mentioned in his letter?
Who knows what revelations are yet to come?
If I had to bet, I'd bet Karl Schadow knows.
It has been suggested to me, by Denis Kitchen and others, that the 1987 Spirit Picture Disc record may contain excerpts from the radio program.
Alas, this is not so.

A series of five, five-minute television productions, for an
across the board weekly schedule, has been completed by Alan R. Cartoun,
radio and television producer, Scarsdale, New York. An animated version
of the syndicated comic strip, "The Spirit", the open-end package is
available to local advertisers and TV stations throughout the country.
The episodes are delivered as a unit on specially prepared film strip with voice and sound track effects.
[BROADCASTING, Nov. 8, 1948]
[BROADCASTING, Nov. 8, 1948]
While there is undoubtedly a story yet to be told behind THAT venture (as well as the proposed 1966 Irwin Allen Spirit show), it is a story for another day. One mystery at a time, please.